It has been a crazy experience, teaching PreK and Kindergarten from a distance! I have been delighted by the many ways my students and their parents have responded to this challenge. Miss Menke shared this BINGO GAME to support PE, Health, Art and general learning. I invite you to join the fun especially if you have another student participating.

There have been some self start projects like Rowan's Egg Experiment. He covered the eggs with vinegar and added some food dye. The eggs will sit for a few days and he will explore how they have changed. Some have worked on building skills that will be useful next year. Others are playing games that build so many social and academic skills. One family created an ART WALL for their art/representing work.
Zeyah exicted about a new Elmo Go Fish and Matching Game |

Damon and the Unicorn game he played over and over and over! The card Rosie made for me.
The stories I've shared have been represented is a variety ways. I am delighted to see their work, their smiles on pictures and their voices on videos. Thank you, thank you, thank you for participating in continued learning.You are doing such a great job! The following are just some of the examples from the first 3 weeks, even one form today!
Addison likes to play the teacher for her brother! |
August made the bears from When Will it Be Spring? and told a One More story with her stuffies. "Along came a bird, tweet tweet, tweet, and then there were 5. Her story telling skills are exciellent! |
Hayley made the connect to a non'fiction book and shared her pony picture, This is Gold, her palomino mare that is 5 years old, just like her! |
Macie has shared so many wonderful pieces with me, like a video of measuring with beads and her rambles but I loved her pigs in this representation of The 3 Wishes. |
This is Ezrah's lizard but his video filling cups with gold fish was priceless. |
Paisley made this lizard from a toilet paper tube. |
This is a WESTERN FLICKER. I saw him tapping on a chimney and then poking at the ground and I remembered the feather I found was likely from a flicker so I did and internet search and confirmed my answer was right! I wonder what I will wonder next? |

I my family were all isolating together, this is a project that I would have made.
Again I thank you for sharing your learning and experiences with me. I miss teaching so much.
Mrs. Dyck
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