Monday, September 30, 2019

 The Grade 5 students are our Reading Buddies. They help us return and choose our Library Books then read with us.                                                                    Elbow to elbow, knee to knee                  the book in the middle so we both can see.

The first hour of school, we choose activities that interest us. Play and Exploration recognises that when children are engaged and active they are learning. Much of their play involves muscle development. Small muscles are engaged in colouring, gluing, playdough making, manipulating small items and even popping bubble wrap. Interacting develops language, social and emotional skills. New friendships form every day.

 These poses are for our BLOCK People

 One of our favourite activities is the colour and cut activity we do almost every day. The products are things like leaves, grass and bugs that we add to our TREE MURAL in the hallway.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

In Kindergarten the morning starts with routine. Each student has a job and we cover many topics and skills that are in the curriculum. Numbers and letters in many forms and concepts as well as physical activities.                                                                                                                                      After snack we had our first Silent Reading Challenge. This is where we read quietly alone. There are many ways to read and at this stage we can read the pictures and look for letters that we recognize.                                                                                                                                                                            Morning recess was lots of fun with all the other students to play with.                                                                                                                                                                                      After recess we worked on math. We took turns rolling a die and then used buttons to represent the number on a ten frame. This develops subitizing (recognizing how many objects there are at a glance), touch and count accuracy and how to fix a mistake.  
                                                                                                       We have Phys. Ed. every day before lunch. Playing  singing games develops turn taking, moving with rhythm and in a variety of ways.                                                                                                      

After lunch and another recess it was center time and the students were excited to revisit their favourite activities from last year.

Wow! Another recess! Then we did some crayon and scissors work. Developing fine motor control and strength is an important target this fall. A pincher grip is the goal Along with drawing themselves  with arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and clothing as well as basic shapes like a circle, square and triangle. Printing letters with the correct the formation is beginning, all letters start at the top.

        Puzzles are great fine motor, problem-solving, special relations and social skill builders.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

At the end of the day packing up the backpack is quite a chore. You can help us by letting them practice loading and closing their backpacks at home a few times. The last chore is tidying the classroom Rowan had a great idea, they sorted the chairs by colours and made sure each stack was 5 chairs high or less. Awesome sorting kids! 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Welcome Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten 2019-2020

You found us, welcome to our blog!
This blog is where our photos, activities and celebrations will be shared.
Can't wait to see everyone!

- Please call the school if your student will be absent.
- When choosing clothes and footwear for the day, always assume the children will go outside for recesses.

Kindergarten Sept.2020

These were shared on seesaw and then I decided that I prefer this Blog for general pictures, activities and explanations. You may see us out...