Wednesday, June 17, 2020

May and June Continued Learning

Lizzy's Lion by Denis Lee
I love teaching children in person and even though it is not my style, we found ways to continue learning at a distance.

We stayed apart to keep each other safe from the virus COVID-19.

Students responded and replied in a variety of ways and these are some of the pieces I received in May and June. 

Show and Tell about her flower girl dress.

Sorting and record keeping are such an important skills and it's helpful in the corrals.
Learning through assignments or
 parent activities kept students busy.
We saw so many happy smiles
during the Teacher/Staff Town Parade!

Nonfiction butterfly study.

Lizzy and her Lion Puppets
The Big Wide Mouthed Frog

Comparing mass with a balance scale
 using vocabulary like heavier, lighter
 and about the same.
Sometimes a thing can be bigger in size
 but lighter in mass.

Representing with pictures, letters and words is an important skill.

Sorting objects according to mass.
They had a fun MASS MATH lesson while they waited for a repair.

It Looked Like Spilled Milk 
Easton nailed this story from
Goodnight Construction Site

The Paper Airplane Challenge

Learning Math can happen anywhere!

Good Night Construction Site - Counting

\Macie found a toy for every letter of the alphabet!

\I miss you! Who do you miss?

Represent self and the season.

Follow instructions to draw a CROCODILE!

Grandparents are a great source of
knowledge and wonderful experiences.

Allton often sent his work in
with video explanations.
Easton made a great representation of a  life cycle after
 the non-fiction book about caterpillars.

Easton also liked this experiment but
the video didn't finish loading for me.
An example of how distance learning is difficult. :(

Miss Menke's BINGO (Nature Walk)

BINGO activities are fun for siblings too.

Puppets to retell THE

BINGO - physical activities

Spring is a wonderful time to learn about
so many things like the parts of a flower.
Use cards, dice or dominoes to practice addition with
 COUNTING ON. Say the greater number then count on.
7+3 is 7, 8,9,10!
 I got quite comfortable sending
 video feedback and really
looked forward to  their submissions.

Retelling or Reading the pictures is a great skill!
When you know the letter sounds, sight words are the next step.

Paisley worked very hard at drawing a hearts.
She will have such a pretty garden.

The raisins really danced! Science is so much fun.

Main ideas, order, details and expression
 are all developed through dramatic play.

She misses a classmate and I do too!

Rowan enjoyed an interest based project on bees.

Macie drew the cover of The Little Mouse,  the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear then printed words to explain her picture. 

Townes did a big non-fiction study of the
planets in our solar system.

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Kindergarten Sept.2020

These were shared on seesaw and then I decided that I prefer this Blog for general pictures, activities and explanations. You may see us out...