Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Essential Learning

We try to play outside everyday and one a student requested a picnic snack, so we took snack to the outdoor classroom. What a beautiful day! We are going to miss these warm easy days as the snow and cold arrives and we are putting on snow clothes and boots.
It took us close to 25 minutes to get ready to play outside today. Whew! 
Any practice towards independence is greatly appreciated.
1. Inside shoes in the shoe shelf.
2. Ski pants on.
3. Jacket on.
4. Do up the zipper if you can.
5. Boots on.
6. Toque and mittens on.
7. Now, ask for help if you need it.
8. Sit down and wait for the other students to be ready.

We have had 11 or less of Pre-K and look how many times we have coloured and cut! What a beautiful fall picture.

On this Thanksgiving Weekend we are thankful for the privilege of playing and learning with these sweet students!

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Kindergarten Sept.2020

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