October was filled with learning opportunities. Fine motor, sorting, colouring Thanksgiving turkeys, fishing for letters and role playing.

During Education Week, our class hosted a guest speaker, Mrs. Stirling and had a, Healthful Hotdog Lunch for our families.
Who knew cutting up fruit and vegetables was so fun!
Lining up is a most wonderful skill and we mastered it! Way to go class!


helpers increase interactions during play based activities. Adults can model co-operative play, clear speech, increase vocabulary and further learning.

We found a Halloween version of, Wheels on the Bus, and it was so popular we made our own bus and read/sang it again.
Everyday students engage with each other and their environment. They are inquisitive, imaginative and eager to show off what they know as well as try new activities.

Halloween was the perfect day to wear their favorite costumes from home and a great reason to do sensory based play stations.
They made funny faces for their snack.

Again support from the parents was welcomed on such an exciting day!
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