How are these buttons the same? How are they different?
Above Picture: What rule did you use to sort these buttons?
Answer: These are blue, and gold and brown and white and little brown / black and these are the pretty ones!
Using buttons, eyes, mouth shapes and shamrocks students can be creative in sorting to make their character just the way they like.
Lyra had a rare recess with the big kids and enjoyed swinging with her sisters.
"I am up and you are down!" "Now you are up and I am down!"
The playground is a wonderful place to explore words like:
up/down, on/off, under/over, high/low, fast/slow and beside.
These concepts help children understand directions and communicate ideas.
This is our new class picture with all 17 of us!
We have so much fun with all our friends at Pre-K.
It's a good thing we do so much small group play, as you can see it is very tricky to have all the students looking at the same place at the same time!
Drop the dice and count the dots, it sounds simple but it develops two very important skills.
1. Point and count up to 6 accurately.
2. Subitize numbers 1-6, means to name a number of objects (dots) at a glance.
This puzzle reinforces naming numbers from 1 - 9.
The challenge for these geo shapes is to copy someone else's geo shape picture. It is very hard not to get distracted and build your own picture.
Photos above and below show the students practicing stamina as they worked for about 10 minutes on the letter and word puzzles.
Tongs, crafts, small toys, dramatic play, sand play and reading with a friend increases conversation skills, fine motor skills, creativity, co-operation, concepts and vocabulary like colours, sizes, animal names (lion verses tiger) (horse verses foal).
St. Patrick's Day fun included sorting crackers according to shape. We sorted the shamrock and heart shaped crackers and put all the ones that didn't fit the rule in the top circle. Then we counted the shamrocks and hearts and talked about the most, the least and the same.
This hair-do took co-operation and sustained stamina to complete.
Mrs. Dyck tried a new recipe for finger paint. It was a little thick to smear smoothly but we did get to mix the primary colours of red, yellow and blue into orange, purple and green.
Note: Mrs. Dyck should make another batch because it was fun.
We started the STAR STUDENT project!
They cut grass for the nests to put the dyed egg into.
We hope everyone has a great holiday visiting, playing, reading, and counting a few treats.
At least that what Mrs. Willford and I plan to do.